me + my goddess mother 😉

Not knowing what to spend all my free time on, I realized that I am simply an average teenager obsessed with thinking. Being a full-time high school student, these years of my life are surrounded by thoughts of my mistakes in the past, my living in the present, and my possibilities in the future.

Whenever it comes to writing, it’s not like I am exceptionally good at it or an aspiring writer. However, it always seemed to come easy if the topic was related to something I enjoyed. For my community, I wrote articles for the Chinese newspaper. My stories usually spanned over a wide range and they commonly related to current or personal events.

Instead of speaking out, I, like teens do, tend to keep all emotions and ideas bundled up inside. With the help of my peers and family, they helped me come up with the idea to create my own blog to express all the different thoughts and opinions that I have on everything from movies and books to everyday life.